Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Monday, 20 September 2021

Catch Nasty, Assembly Required.


The CD's for Catch Nasty are back from the duplicators. We're pulling together the last elements of what we're calling the Nasty Pack which will go on sale on Bandcamp.

  • The CD which has 16 songs. Some ones that are already available, some that are slightly different versions and new.
  • A booklet with puzzles, recipes, lyrics, pictures and nonsense.
  • A set of seeds to plant to grow one of the ingredients for "Nasty Sauce"
  • A postcard you can fill in and send to us at the studio.
  • An exclusive Addemyre Design Cthulhumas Card you can send to loved ones at the festive season.
  • Another thing that isn't ready to announce yet!
The Nasty Pack will be for sale in November, although newsletter subscribers will get an early chance to get them (it is a limited edition and we won't be making more once they are sold out) as well as a discount on the retail price which is going to be £5 plus postage - truly a bargain. We're selling them for love, not to make money.

The CD without the assorted extras will be for sale at a lower price from gigs. Watch out for more news about that soon.

Finally we also will make the 35 minute mp3 available on Bandcamp for sale, with all the extra little audio snippets and stupids.

Before then, watch out for another EP of new songs. "Cut" will available in October.

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