Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty


Here is our Discography and the ways you can stream our songs, download them and otherwise enjoy - some are free some are paid for.


If you support us on Patreon, you get a private link to download everything we have officially released and a load of bonus stuff that isn't listed below


We get paid when Apple Music stream our songs. This is our landing page there.


We also post all our songs to Bandcamp and Soundcloud where you can listen free. On Bandcamp you can pay for downloads.

We post many of our songs on Amazing Radio, where again you can stream free or pay to download.


All our stuff is on Spotify. We get paid virtually nothing when you play the songs but it is convenient and free to you.

We're also on Deezer, YouTube Music, Amazon music and the others.


This is not a complete listing. There are songs and oddities released through Patreon and as bonus tracks on Bandcamp not included here.

Smash, Grab & Go, February 2024

Crowland, January 2024

Bird of Happiness, August 2023

Savage Mechanic, July 2023

Mickey Humpper, July 2023

Dude Your Mom's a Squid?, June 2023

Mood Is Low, May 2023

The Gastronaut, April 2023

The Worms, April 2023

Disco Investors, March 2023

Low Fat Jesus, February 2023
Low Fat Jesus. 2000 years of brand building.

Too Cool, January 2023
Too Cool. Look, just be cool.

Rise Up. Take my hand. Let's stop all this now.

Sleepy Policeman  November 2022

Existential Dread (with I Am The Unicorn Head) September 2022

I'm Bent July-August 2022

Team Player June 2022

Darker Star May 2022

Food on the Floor April 2022

Playboy Driver March 2022

Sex (EP) February 2022

  • Do Me Too. The perils of polyamoury and jealousy, all there wrapped up. We warned you..
  • What Have You Done for Me Lately? Transactional relationships. Pah!
  • Indoor Boyfriend. A love song to the most un-self-aware man born, with a swagger and charm that people would kill for. He still does not earn enough for what he does.

Politic (EP) January 2022

  • King Thing Some of us have greatness thrust upon us. Others may resent it. There is no cure if you become infested with the King Thing.
  • Get Into Them Part 1. A Bhangra dancefloor marathon as we plea for people to rise up, be kind, tolerant and fuck them up.
  • Get Into Them Part 2 Meanwhile we have the same words, the same sentiments but this time we are in the middle of a Pop Psychosis episode. This is the most perfect pop song we've released so far.

Party (EP) December 2021

Dekket (AA Single) November 2021

Cut (EP5) October 2021

  • Dead Planet, commentary on self-destruction
  • Gravy Train, the collision of free market economics and relentless inbreeding
  • THX1138, the clues are there. Follow them.

Dust (EP4) September 2021

Growl (EP3) August 2021

Dry (EP2) July 2021

Dank (EP1) June 2021

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