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Sunday, 13 February 2022

What Have You Done For Me Lately?


Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

What Have You Done For Me Lately? is the third song from the February 2022 EP by 9 o'clock Nasty, "Sex."

Listening Notes

Sexual politics. With a small p. Power. With a big P. Sex is about more than sex. Well, that much is obvious. But what is life like when you view all relationships as transactional?  

Sing Along

What have you done for me lately

And what you going to do for me next?

I’m made a start on a broken heart, 

But I don’t know what happens next

What will you do to save me?

I’ve got all these needs to be met.

I’m all worn out from hanging about

And my passion’s so easily spent

What will you do to please me?

What wrongs will you forget?

I’m making Art as I fall apart

So what will you do for me next?


Written and recorded and (c)2022 9 o'clock Nasty

Sydd Spudd - drums in their many forms

Pete Brock - guitars, and vocals

Ted Pepper - bass and vocals

and introducing

Brynn Chipps (Mr Thumbs) - scorching guitar solo 

Oliver Reid - aspiring actor, we think he might do well. 

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