Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Kane, Aflame


All of us at 9 o'clock Nasty orbiting HQ would like to congratulate our overlord, Soon-to-be-Sir Harry Kane for his magnificent performance at Wembley. They doubted. We didn't. Well all of us except DJ Dirty Boy who isn't even in the band but pops up from time to time with his red-raw palms and lack of in-depth football knowledge.

We did in fact consider asking Soon-to-be-Sir Kane to sit in for keyboards on Let's Talk About Your Boyfriend, but there isn't a keyboard part on that song. Then we wanted to sample him on upcoming song "What Time is Nasty?" (answer to be revealed within 2 weeks with the release of our next EP entitled Dry) but we found a really good bit of dialogue from some politician or other that made it all rather edgy. 

But Harry, we wanted you on board.  That is statement enough. You're Coming Home. Apparently. 

Nasty, Out.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Friend of the Nasties in Pie Trouble


Long-standing collaborator of the 9 o'clock Nasty, DJ "Dirty Boy" has hit that classic roadblock: Art Versus Order. Despite the local media reports, although the event was in fact illegal, he was simply passing through and found himself at the decks with a carrier bag containing two hot Pukka Pies.

Onlookers report that trouble broke out when DJ Dirty Boy loaded one pie onto each deck and at the climactic moment of his set brought both his hands smashing down, offloading meat and pastry fragments in most directions. 

And incidentally burning both palms.

People who did not understand his performance got upset and trouble ensued. The owner of the decks, the people in the front row and Dirty's ex partner who dumped him after the event, are all taking legal action.

We stand behind all the Nasty. Dirty Boy has started a crowdfunding campaign to make good on the various legal expenses incurred and to replace his clothing. Give our homeboy all the support you can.

Nasty. Out.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

First band photo

This weekend Litmus Piece, local landscape model and erotic gambler dropped by Koala Studios to take a few images that 9 o'clock Nasty can use in press releases and the like. 

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Jethro is restored to us


Jethro our missing sound engineer is restored to us. It seems that while standing outside a local high-value supermarket awaiting a lift he crossed paths with a member of Coldplay's management who asked whether our expert engineer-for-hire could work his magic on their latest multi-minute pop creation. 

Back in the Day, Jethro was the ears behind a number of top-70 hits and in particular the extended 12"remixes when songs used to come in sizes. This overexposure led to his affliction at being wrapped in imaginary snakes whenever working on any songs longer than 2min 17sec. What we in the 9 o'clock Nasty called "the Jethro Snake Limit"

For that reason we try to keep our songs shorter to avoid the writhing agonised bearded wailing in our small and rather cramped mixing room at Koala Studios.

Anyway, to cut a longer story shorter, Jethro has a full-on snakedance attack at the Coldplay studio and had to take his ears to the coast to listen to the gentle crashing of the waves and gnashing of crabs. Having regained consciousness he gave Ted Pepper a call from the payphone in the waiting room at the foot clinic. The brown formica one that only accepts Imperial money and buzzes when you use too many vowels.

Anyway, he is now back with us and we have been able to start mixing the songs for the July EP.

Do you feel your phone is not quite Nasty enough?

 We can help. Add Nasty.

If you would like a 9 o'clock Nasty lockscreen, and let's face it, what reasonable and right-thinking person would not in these crazy times, you can download one here. Furthermore, because we are spoiling you a bit, the artwork is from an as-yet-unreleased-but-soon-to-be-classic song called What Time Is Nasty? which could make the cut to be in the next EP. Or the one after.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Anti-Ga, The Politics of Ugly

 From the Harvard Review of Modern Political Thinking by Irfan Stross

....and so we find that on the other side of the Atlantic, Anti-fa and the militant opposition to the new alt-right has spawned a very British invention: Anti-Ga.

Anti-Ga, or Anti-Gammon has at its roots the same rejection of neo-liberalist exploitation, of reactionary forces wanting to remake the world as a slightly more shit version of the 1950s. Anti-Ga differs from Anti-Fa however in its aesthetic core. The British alt-right is typified by men of a certain age. Men with faces flooded with blood that give them the appearance of gammon. Farage is the archetype but they are legion. Anti-Ga rejects not just their views, but their loathsome face.

In interview for the next issue of our podcast, Ted Pepper, member of the first British artists to fully embrace Anti-Ga, 9 o'clock Nasty, summarises Anti-Ga thus "Look it isn't just that they have views that should offend everyone with a soul. It isn't just that they actively seek to threaten, to enforce their decadent and immoral view on innocent people. It isn't just that they seek to pervert the truth, to turn people against each other on the pretext of some fucked up viewpoint. It is not just that. The Gammons are worse, because they are ugly. Their purple skinned suppressed rage, their pop-eyed forcefulness, their fake bonhomie and 'man of the people' schtick, their spittle lipped ugly goes past the skin and right down into their diseased internal organs. They are loathsome even down to their spines. Anti-Ga is more than a political association of people who will not accept the tentacles of the alt-right slithering unopposed into our lives, it is a combined front of all those who just think these fuckers are fuck-ugly to the bone and should fuck the fuck off."

It was a real pleasure to talk to Irfan and his friends in America. We hope Academics and researchers across the world turn their eyes to the Gammon-Menace and enjoy one martini too many as the purple ones dance and strut to Gammon v Pilgrim. As they should.  

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Is your computer a sad and boring place? Get Nasty!


We are delighted to make a computer desktop wallpaper copy of the cover of "Let's Talk About Your Boyfriend" available for download.


Now you can stare at that empty screen and reveal your innermost thoughts, hopes, desires and regrets to a sympathetic and slightly arousing face.

You're welcome. Nasty, out.

Friday, 18 June 2021



Dank, our first EP is now fully available on all major internet services (or just free, here). It's exciting because it means we finally get to let all the people open a little musical jewellery box, and because we have enough material recorded to put out more material every month. Another EP will follow in July 2021. Music here for your head, your heart and your hips. Enjoy.

The links below will allow you to either download the songs for free, or to hear them on popular online streaming services.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Missing: Our Sound Engineer Is Lost


Our crisp-guzzling sound engineer Jethro has been lost to us. He was last seen in the Budgens in Birstall at 5.30pm with a carrier bag full of 1/4" multi-track tapes waiting for an Uber. He has our mouse which is making working on this blog a bit of a trial to be honest.

Jethro is a lovely soul. He has recorded and produced all of our material to date and has a hearing range that is four times wider than a baseline human. This means that when he hears most modern music he weeps inconsolably. We need him back to finish mixing "What Time is Nasty?" for our July EP release. Nobody else knows how to operate the 18' wooden sound deck he made with parts left over from the Maplins Clearance Sale. 

We need him back because he is part of our collection. Also, Koala Studios does not like to lose staff. 

If you find Jethro please immobilise him as carefully as possible and contact us through all the usual channels. All of them. 

Nasty, out.

Get Nasty on Amazon Music


Find us here. https://music.amazon.co.uk/artists/B09751RMDF/9-o'clock-nasty

We're coming to all the streaming sites this week thanks to the lovely people at Distrokid.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Gig Review: Catweazle Bar by Danzig Krupp

We played our debut gig at Catweazle last weekend and were fortunate enough to be met by the adorable Danzig Krupp from the highly respected (and print only) fanzine "Dark Strudel" which has launched the careers of practically every band worth knowing out of Bavaria.

The adorable Danzip Krupp

The gig itself was, from our perspective, a good low key shakedown. Without any great ceremony we got a good sound in the room, got on stage on time and ran through our numbers to a group of strangers. The locals were appreciative and we hope that we gave them something to think about. Well, we know we gave them things to think about. Things they would probably rather have not thought about. But that's what we do. Connect ideas, actions and thoughts. 

We reproduce the whole review below but wanted to highlight a couple of sections.

Als mir das Öl aus den Augen fiel, sah ich etwas von wahrer Schönheit. Männer. Echte Männer. Weiße Lichter. Energie. Ein Puls, ein Puls ohne Bezug auf dieser sterblichen Ebene. "Impulsdrohungaufprallfadenunsterblichenfreude."

Danzig commented, at length on the high levels of energy at a 9nasty show. In fact he went on about it a bit. 'Blah blah energy blah blah.' But we do think that art, real art, means sweat. Sweat, action, ideas, thoughts. But mostly sweat. As he liked to call it "pulsethreatimpactthreadofimmortaljoy."

There was a minor incident that cut the set short. These situations are always lamentable. When art and dis-art clash. Sadly two gentlemen were one sausage over the sausage limit and took unkindly to gammon references in the onstage banter. The Unfortunate One had to see them off when they attempted to steal a plectrum and events took a decidedly difficult turn.

Leider haben sich zwei Meatheads, die mit der wahren Dialektik des Rock and Roll nicht cool sind, dafür entschieden, das Unfortunate One zu vergleichen, als es einen kurzen Instrumentalabschnitt gab. Eine Explosion flüssigen akustischen Quecksilbers, die alle Sinne anfeuert und auslöscht. Sie wurden niedergelegt. Mit Gewalt niederlegen. Ich bedaure nur, dass ich die letzten 11 Takte von "Gammon Against Pilgrims" nie sehen werde. 

We are tolerant. This is known. Danzig is a respected writer. However in this comment he is grossly inaccurate. Fake News must be called out for what it is. The song is called Gammon v Pilgrim. It is not, and never has been, and never will be called Gammon Against Pilgrims.' To be versus is not to be against. 

This is known. For that Danzip we expel you. 

Nasty Out.

frische ideen kaufen: Dark Strudel, issue 47 June/July 2021

Dem “9 o’clock nasty” aus dem dunkelsten Großbritannien geht einkaufen in einen großen Supermarkt. Seine Einkaufsliste ist lang, er kauft für das ganze Wochenende ein. Außerdem kommen Gäste, für die er kochen wird. Beim Obstregal kauft er verschiedene Früchte: Äpfel, Bananen, Erdbeeren und Kirschen wird er für den Nachtisch verwenden, es gibt Obstsalat. Die Trauben verwendet er für die Vorspeise. Er möchte gerne kleine Spieße mit Käse und Trauben anbieten.

Als mir das Öl aus den Augen fiel, sah ich etwas von wahrer Schönheit. Männer. Echte Männer. Weiße Lichter. Energie. Ein Puls, ein Puls ohne Bezug auf dieser sterblichen Ebene. "Impulsdrohungaufprallfadenunsterblichenfreude."

Mit dem Gemüse kocht er eine Suppe. Dafür braucht er ein Kilo Karotten, einige große Kartoffeln, ein halbes Kilo Zwiebeln und verschiedene Pilze. Er findet Champignons und getrocknete Steinpilze. Diese eignen sich sehr gut für eine Suppe. Außerdem nimmt er grünen Salat und Tomaten mit für die zweite Vorspeise.

Im ersten Kühlregal gibt es eine große Auswahl an Fleisch und Fisch. Oscar entscheidet sich für ein Huhn. Er kauft zusätzlich noch eine Packung Reis als Beilage zum Fleisch. Damit hat er bereits alles, was er für das Essen braucht. Er nimmt aber einiges mit, das ihm zu Hause fehlt: einen großen Laib Brot, ein halbes Kilo Salz, ein Kilo Mehl und zwei Kilo Zucker findet er neben dem Kühlregal. Dort nimmt er auch eine Flasche Milch mit. Was ihm jetzt noch fehlt: Käse und zehn Eier. Die findet er auch im Kühlregal um die Ecke.347 / 5000

Leider haben sich zwei Meatheads, die mit der wahren Dialektik des Rock and Roll nicht cool sind, dafür entschieden, das Unfortunate One zu vergleichen, als es einen kurzen Instrumentalabschnitt gab. Eine Explosion flüssigen akustischen Quecksilbers, die alle Sinne anfeuert und auslöscht. Sie wurden niedergelegt. Mit Gewalt niederlegen. Ich bedaure nur, dass ich die letzten 11 Takte von "Gammon Against Pilgrims" nie sehen werde. 

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Dank. Coming to Spotify Soon

 Dank by 9 o'clock Nasty - DistroKid

King of Hackney


Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

King of Hackney is the third track from Dank, the debut EP of 9 o'clock Nasty. We nearly cried when the guitar part at the end emerged into the universe. We hope you like it as much as you should do.

Listening Notes

Take a long walk. Too far from home. Recognise you won't be back soon. Pop in the headphones. Plant you hands deep in your pockets. Sigh. Let yourself just release all that frustration and admit to it. Nobody is watching. Sadly. Sigh, just sigh. Now, smell the breeze. Savour. It could be better. It could be worse. At least you're breathing. Linger.

Sing Along

It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King It's the King Thing. 

Let's Talk About Your Boyfriend

Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

Let's Talk About Your Boyfriend is the second track from Dank, the debut EP of 9 o'clock Nasty. Designed to provide late night listening release.

Listening Notes

Draw a stool to the bar, or work behind it. Feel the stool under your arse. It's uncomfortable but it's better than standing. Play with the beermats. Shuffle them. Sip that drink. Ask the nearest person about their failed relationships. Ask. Ask on. Really delve. Make it uncomfortable. 

Then you will feel the song as it is truly meant to be felt.

Sing Along

I would like to spend some time with you. Talk About Your Boyfriend. Let me be the one to make you cry this time

Gammon v Pilgrim

Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

Gammon v Pilgrim is the first track from the debut EP of 9 o'clock Nasty. Designed to set the suburban dance-floor alight.

Listening Notes

Best enjoyed in a basement bar at 3.32am. Choose slightly sticky vinyl seating. Find 40 gammons. Prime ones. Suits frayed, tempers on edge, sweat flowing. Watch them pump and dance to the tune as it grinds their souls to dust that will flutter west out over the ocean with sunrise. Drink one martini too many. Consider not drinking another. Ever.

Sing Along

She's a pilgrim for food

She's a pilgrim for water

She's a pilgrim for law

She's a pilgrim for order

Gammon will dine

Gammon consume

Gammon on TV

Liver spot bloom


They are coming to get you. 

Friday, 11 June 2021

Wear Nasty Skin Now

For a short period of time we are releasing merchandise for the band through Spreadshirt. We will look to find ways to bring garments and nick-naks to the world at other price points, but even if these first ones seem a little 'oh my that is about as much as I would want to pay for Nasty Skin' they are first editions.

We will in fact later release lower cost t-shirts that are significantly better. So as a wearer of one of these you will have the ultimate one-upmanship of having a band t-shirt that is a rare design that is somehow cooler and nastier.

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Live debut: Tickets on Sale Now

We are pleased to announce that 9 o'clock nasty will play a short set on Sunday 12th June at the Catweazle Bar, Gutermannstraße 12, 72160 Horb am Neckar, Germany. Tickets cost €11 at the venue. The set will last approximately 27 minutes and include all original material.

Danzig Krupp from well known Indie fanzine Dark Strudel will there to review the event, so we will no doubt link to his article once it is out.

Welcome the Little Fella


It will surprise none that at the 9 o'clock nasty orbiting HQ we appreciate all instruments with less than 6 strings and the ones with 4 most of all. We have recently welcomed a new flying V ukelele to the ensemble. Currently it is going through workplace induction training and may feature in new material.

Splatter Fanzine Review: No Garry No (Your Views Are Too Extreme for the 9 O'Clock Nasty)

We recently shared an early mix of one of our songs with Mark from Splatter Fanzine. Naively we hoped for a fair review.

His main point is actually a good one, and pleased us as a collective.

The song encapsulates a rare level of rage at the Gammonsphere's taint on the world. It is not often that such a spiralling, edgy bass grabs your skin and pulls you into the musical mincing machine, but I felt truly devoured and defiled after two listens, and exhausted after a third. This band understand dynamics and their 2 minutes of onslaught press all the buttons.

However, Mark crossed a line.

I don't really get why the Nasty are so upset about espadrilles. They are perfectly good footwear, and wearing them does not make the wearer into some kind of snivelling gammon.

Mark, we are not your friend. Only mates can call us "the Nasty." To you, we are, and will remain "9 o'clock nasty." Please note the use of lower case. We did share the 4 page style guide with you. No capitals. No abbreviations. You are a snivelling lowlife. You are dead to us. Wake up to yourself. Then do the right thing. Nasty, out. 


Mob Needed

We are currently busy-busy-busy recording a song called "What Time is Nasty?" [spoiler: 9 o'clock]

For one part of that we need voices. Many. We need to create a real sense of a large crowd in a crowded place responding to the question.

Koala Studios is sadly very small. We don't fit into it, so you certainly won't. Unless you are a mouse. But if you are a mouse you won't make a good shouting sound and if you record yourself pouring a drink it will probably be a tiny one.

So if you would be able to shout your response into an envelope, and even better, do so whilst pouring yourself a good drink, then seal the envelope (carefully: do not allow the sounds to escape). Then post it to:





Thank you in advance. We can't wait to open your dank, noisy envelopes and add them to our multi-track hyperspace-recording system.

The Handing Of The Headphones

Sometimes as an artist you need to pass headphones to another artist. At Koala Studios the available space is very limited and can results in situations of difficulty, as witnessed here.