Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Sexy Back on Formula Indie Radio on release day (ish)

Really looking forward to hearing Sexy Back go live on Formula Indie Radio on the 5th. It's a special day because...

Our single will be released around that day - it is hard to say with precision because as it is a cover version it has to go through a clearance process before it hits distribution.

It is Bonfire Night and 9 o'clock Nasty fucking LOVE fireworks. Ted seems to have a grudge against the Dogs of Rothley so it could be a loud one locally (please don't tell us off as 1. Ted doesn't read the comments and it will only make him worse. 2. We respect your right to be annoyed, please respect our right to be disinterested in said annoyance. 3. We're joking.

We are thinking of filming a video on 5th November in the dark of the night so if you're local to Koala Studios, may be best to stay indoors.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Out next week: Terror Couple Kill Colonel


It's been wild and loose for a few months, especially on Facebook groups, but this time next week our take on the Bauhaus original will be available on Spotify, Apple Music and all the streamy places for your delight and enjoyment alongside Sexy Back.

Terror Couple Kill Colonel is also a track on our LP, Catch Nasty

Friday, 29 October 2021

METALHUNDER our first printed-media feature


So we get an email from this guy called Jurgen who says he is from Metal Hunder, a widely respected metal magazine in Norway. It is monthly, actually gets real people to pay for a copy and they want to write about 9 o'clock Nasty! Click on the cover to see it in full res.

Well... it would have been rude to say no. We're absolutely made up - we have a digital copy and a paper copy of the magazine on order. We've run the piece through google translate and Pete has applied his knowledge of the language to tidy this up.

Click on image to see full size



9 o’clock Nasty: A surreal gasp from the corpse of British alternative rock.

Many people in Norway will have heard of Leicester City Football Club. Some will have heard of Kasabian. In truth though there are a limited number of reasons to be familiar with this anonymous city in an increasingly anonymous country. But even a dying bonfire can release sparks and 9 o’clock Nasty are starting some tiny fires all over social media with their idiosyncratic yet direct brand of hard rock.

Enigmatic to the point of obscurity they are difficult to categorise, lurching from a dynamic guitar powered attack in one song to lush synthesised landscapes on the next. The song selected for the MH November playlist is called “Gravy Train” and smashes together a twisted mess of rockabilly with a lapsed Madchester delivery. They take form after form of music as their birthright and betray each in turn. Their songs, rarely longer than 2 minutes long are earworms that stay with you for days.

Described as “Proletarian Art Rock” by a reviewer, MH visited the band for some cold beers at their studio-complex, a rambling eccentric hall on the edge of the city. Filled with guitars and wreckage of amplifiers, speakers and drum kits it is like a shore after a shipwreck. The studio itself is little better, bare wires twisted around salvaged analogue equipment. And yet the troubled three create music relentlessly here, with five EPs and an album in five months with more to come.

MH: Do you think the speed with which you record gives your music freshness?

9N: Probably. That isn’t deliberate. We aren’t aiming to be fresh, we are aiming to produce something good and we work the way we work. Some ideas need to be set out before you think about them too much. There is a myth that a band needs to work and refine at a song in the rehearsal room until everyone is happy with it. That just leads to songs that compromise and fit into the shape of the way the band play. But the way the band plays should change to fit the song. The song comes first.

MH: We have read that you are part of a new movement. A return of garage rock. Is that something you are aware of?

9N: Only when someone like you says it. We are just working at our music here and what comes out comes out. Some people have said some nice things about our work and that is truly wonderful. We actually had our first bad review this week which seems like we have crossed a line. But the ideas of a movement is the kind of things that people with a computer make up. We aren’t sitting in smoky bars with other bands dreaming of changing the world. We just want to fuck up our corner of it.

MH: What next for 9 O’clock Nasty?

We will keep promoting our LP for the next few months and there is a single “Sexy Back” out this month. Right now we are rehearsing to play live. Teaching ourselves how to play the songs and adapting them to performing live.

Their debut LP “Catch Nasty” is available for download from their website www.9nasty.com. 

Please note, we never described Leicester as anonymous! That is Jurgen's prose.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Indie O'Clock at 9 o'clock


It is always good to be recognised in the genre of art-forms with the words "o'clock" in their title (it's a niche we occupy with pride) and fellow o'clockers Indie O'Clock have posted a fine review of Dust.

Whilst we may disagree with them on the correct way to capitalise your title, we like their logo and enjoyed their kind words. As it is in Portuguese we will translate it below (but as a service to long-time readers will not make any comments about touring Brazil (we totally will)).

9 oclock Nasty has just released his new EP, Rock is alive in the 3 unreleased tracks of this work and is electrifying.

We may object a blog with literally the word 0'clock in its name failing to correctly put the apostophe in ours, but we like to be called electrifying!  

Full of energy and with a lot to say, 9 oclock Nasty releases a new EP full of guitar and elements that make us go back to classic rock.

Opening the EP the first track is Say No To Funk, a classic rock, with guitar that rocks the main sound, a striking and tuned voice and secondary instruments that give refinement and strength to the song, this song is danceable and ideal to enjoy with the friends.

We prefer to think of ourselves as highly unclassical rock, and our user research tells us that 54.8% of our core audience are lone wolves that like to listen to our hardcore material whilst in moments of solitary contemplation, plotting or otherwise in a private headspace, 30% listen whilst carrying out everyday tasks and only the remainder play it loud whilst with other humans. A very small % have it on in the background during intense lovemaking sessions. Jane and Terry, we salute you. Terry, perhaps a bit more generosity, just saying.

We would however like more of our superfans to listen to the music in the company of friends and get them to buy our LP. Just saying. Hint hint.

The second track is If They Wont Eat Beef? A track that draws on punk rock, garage rock that we love to listen to, the guitar is also featured in this track and with a lot of attitude and expressiveness along with the vocalization marks the song that is pure energy and delicious to listen to.

THAT! Thank you. 

Last Chance is the last track and closes the album well, an introduction based on percussion and voice, full of creativity and originality, the song is authentic and full of 9 oclock Nasty's identity. We love knowing their work, they are promising and making real rock music. Rock is alive in this talented project.

Joking aside, (APOSTROPHE FOR FUCKS SAKES) this is a kind review and we wish we could engage more directly with friends in the Americas - we can see from our own stats that we're getting a lot of listens over there and that feels amazing - it just presents a small challenge for a garage band in Leicester about how to better reach that audience!

Much love to Indie Oclock


Wednesday, 27 October 2021

So, what happens if you put Pete B-Rock's photo on PInterest?

Well, the Edgar Allen Poets took on this horrific experiment for us and the results are.... extraordinary. Have a look.  Special prize (doll's shoes) for anyone creating more Pinterest havoc with Nasty Pics.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Doll Shoe Tuesday at the Catch Nasty Emporium

Catch Nasty is on sale, and it is selling. Thank you to all you lovely people.  We had run out of doll's shoes to add to the pack (please note, they are not sweets!) but we have found a few more and the next five packs we sell will get a pair included as a special bonus.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Among (Many) Other Aspects: OS Garotos review Catch Nasty

Nice write up for Catch Nasty (right next to one of our fave bands, Our Man in the Bronze Age) from Os Garotos de Liverpool. Translated below:

9 O'CLOCK NASTY After a few singles and EP, they are back on the site, with the album "Catch Nasty", released on Bandcamp on the 15th and that brings a cover that obviously reminds us of Sgt. Pepper's, the Beatles.

Containing about 35min in length, this album was made to listen in its entirety, without having separate tracks on the streaming platforms, but rather a division between Side 1 and Side 2, as if it were a vinyl and each side of it with respectfully 21 and 14 minutes.

Punk, darkwave, rocakbilly, dance, funk grooves, vocal harmonies, great lyrical composition and more is present on this album that took five months to get ready, being an extensive album of 16 tracks that goes through various styles, showing all the musical and artistic knowledge of the band, going to rockabilly to garage rock, from funk to hard rock, from grunge to post-punk, among other aspects.

You can get Catch Nasty at http://www.9nasty.com/p/catchnasty.html

Sunday, 24 October 2021

The Wild Is Calling Review: The Unconventional Wisdom of Bare Bollocks on Cold-Metal


Brock was in another one of his 48 hour marathon sleeps. We know to never wake him. For five days he is a high intensity powerhouse and for two he must meditate and rest. But the review was so good, We spoke to the reviewers. They are American. It was probably a language thing. They made it clear that it was imperative that Pete Brock wake to read the review and give an opinion.

So Ted was volunteered to do the deed. He went upstairs, down the corridor. Along the other corridor. Through the dressing room. He opened the wooden panel into the crawlspace. The air hung heavy and dead. How to awaken B-Rock, the third most dangerous man in Western music?

A pinch to the nostrils. Finger and thumb across the beak.

Brock remained sound asleep. A minute passed. Air was getting in through his mouth. Compounding an already highly inadvisable series of events Ted pressed his palm over the guitarist's bearded face.

One... Two... Three.

The percussive explosion was a wonder to behold. As always Brock went from zero to one hundred in an instant, and Ted, never the sharpest of implements was left scattergunned across the luxurious thick shagpile carpet looted from the sinking cruise-ship back when Pete's band was Cunard's go-to-punk act.

Fortunately Ted had laboriously copied the review onto a pad of A4 paper in his trademark green biro and Pete paused in his rage long enough to seize it and start reading. The violence ended. After a small bottle of tequila, forgiveness was scattered and love restored. It was indeed entirely the right thing to do to wake Pete to read the review.

So, about the review.

It's the real deal. We will say very little other than read it. Read the fucking thing right now. Seriously.

We're not going to reproduce it here, although we do have a couple of observations and corrections to add, but it is a thing to read as a whole, not through the cracked lense of our commentary.

Read it. Really, just fucking do it

Now Ted went to Philadelphia once. That is relevant, as that is where the blog hales from. This isn't a travelogue. But anyway, his English accent and rather sideways approach to walking and talking got him into trouble in not one but two Irish bars and he has never spoken of the experience other than to condemn the city as a hotbed of vipers. But then, now, he has moved on and Philadelphia will forever be redeemed.

Philadelphia, we forgive you. Rejoin our empire. We may add you to our Brazilian tour.

Did you read that review? Really. OK then you can carry on.


The dystopian theme returns on THX-1138, as the Nasty reflect on pandemic orders and restrictions. One wonders if the recording of the album risked repercussions as strict rules limited out of house contact over the last couple of years 

To be crystal clear. We live in a fantasy world. Of course we do. If you read our shit you do too, by proxy. In the Pepperverse there are embellishments. But the bit about the band all living together in a studio called Koala Studios is absolute bollocks on cold-metal true. We are like a post-modern punk version of the Monkees, but also a death-cult. 

So we did not break any rules or guidance related to the pandemic. We were trapped in a recording studio for weeks.  WEEKS. That is why Pete looks like that and Ted looks like this.

By the way, why are we writing this long text about the review? Because we fucking love it and want to do it justice.

What do we love about it?

It bothered to dig. Cut. Slid a razor over our skin and squeezed painfully inside. The comparisons to other bands are not lazy. They are well-considered (we don't agree with them but we love them) and namecheck some of the coolest fuckers to make music in years. Properly cool.

It is funny and engaging.

It got in Orwell in what has to be the most Orwellian years ever. More Orwellian than when Orwell was alive. Our LP is a product of living through that and so the label is beautifully appropriate.

"Unhinged from the band, the guitarist jams throughout."

This just captures our rehearsals.

If the review makes you want to hear the record, or buy it (buy it, buy it, buy it! Buy! It! BUY! IT!) you can. We invite you. Welcome you. Step inside love.


Saturday, 23 October 2021



"Where the living fuck-mother did all those strange raccoon videos come from?"

Not your typical conversation at the Post Office, but the Rothley brach is a particularly robust one. It started with the daily visits Ted makes to post Nasty Packs to our growing extended Nasty family

The interaction is brief, unless the pack is going to a far-flung location (Bangalore led to a 2 minute conversation in which Ted only managed to mumble the names of fruit). Each time Ted recites the contents of the pack for the customs declaration.

"Compact Disc. Papers. Photos. Seeds. Badges. Doll's Shoes."

She never gives a hint of reaction. Never asks. Never accepts the response of "the same as yesterday." Both Pete and Sydd have lost their shit whilst on a pack-posting run and had to absent themselves from future missions. But Ted finds it soothing.

But she has clearly seen the website. Engaged with social media. Seen.

"Where the living fuck-mother did all those strange raccoon videos come from?"

It seems odd to hear obscenities at a Post Office counter. Well at least, odd to hear them on THAT side of the counter.

Well, this is the full skinny.

SexyBack is out soon. Indeed the double A sided single is already at Distrokid being woven into the streaming services for a November release.

And the video made to accompany it, that did in fact result in the local constabulary being called by a highly agitated neighbour features raccoonish behaviour.

So we've seeded 20s clips that take some of the video and splashed them onto the interweb as a prelude, tease and taster. There are five in all. You have three here, have you seen them all?

But.... to respond to the point. "Where the living fuck-mother did all those strange raccoon videos come from?" They come from our computer. They exist because we like raccoons and we want your engagement. We crave your interest. Your precious attention.

SexyBack is coming.

"In many ways, bands such as 9 O’clock Nasty are our very own sunset. " - Music Is to the Blame Cut "Cut" to the Bone


There is chaos in Koala Studioes. You may think you have lived through chaos, but there is no chaos like this chaos. "Midnight Lover" blares out distorted from the hyperplasma television as Sydd drums a new beat on old newspapers and cans of cheeky Vimto. Streaks of thick white paint drip down the face of the screen as Pete B-Rock lost in a manic phase perches on a wheeled chair slapping a layer of viscous sonic-absorbent coating onto the ceiling and Tedd huggz himself and whispers softly in anguish. All the time a bright red airhorn mounted on the broken CISCO desktop computer fires off a hideous crackle and wail of painfully loud alert.

The Mark E Smith Comparison Alarm has finally sounded and life goes on.

Music is to Blame set it off. No blame to them, it was bound to happen eventually. Later after Sydd found his trusty bean-hammer under the copies of Cosmo in the bathroom-utility-tape storage space and silenced the freakish alarm everyone read the review and agreed it was a fair and balanced piece and actually a very good review. But it came as a shock nonetheless. I mean we all know we will die. We do don't we? We don't know who will go first, but a beginning has an end. Even so it is a surprise. Similarly with Mark E Smith comparisons. It was our time.

(if you have read this far and not checked the review, shame on you, it is a really well written piece and deserves better than this nonsense).

Anyhoo, the sonic-reduction paint has begun to dry and Ted wiped the tv screen so that Our Man In the Bronze Age now play in a loop through a film of oily white.

The review? We hoped you would ask. We have thoughts.

In a world ravaged by a pandemic and a country battling its way through the idiosyncrasies of the largest trading bloc the world has ever seen, things seem particularly bleak. 9 O’clock Nasty would almost certainly agree.

We do. It's bleak, really dire. We laugh at the news but not in the good way we used to laugh at the news back when they were only dirty, greedy self serving fuckwits. Then was better. Thems-was-the-good-old-days. Now it's bleak. Oh we said that. The songs do kind of fall out of the intensity of stupid we are living in right now, we wouldn't have written anything quite so dark two years ago. Even the love song we just finished (and it is a real honest to goodness love song - watch out for it - Do Me Too) has become about watching the the human you love being fucked by someone else and hoping they are enjoying it. To misquote Hunter S Thompson, now everyone has to screw their pants on in the morning.

The track is not only a commentary of the impending doom as the climate crisis hurtles towards us, but it also points to the self-destructive nature of the human race on a more personal level. 

Boing! That landed on the nose. It's about flipping the table full of beers over in the pub and storming out just as much as it is about the near-inevitability of a crisped up swamp of death enveloping civilisation and leaving only the hillbillies and super-rich clinging to rocky outcrops and singing along to Toxic.

highlighted by the crisp and tight guitar solo that is at almost complete odds with the rest of the track. 

Boing! Truth: it was added about 6 weeks after the rest of the song in a moment of madness. We think it rocks big rocks, the fleshy kind. 

Pete B-rock reminds us we’ve “All got so much to gain” on the money-making “Gravy Train”. 

This really fucking upset Ted. Ted sings quite a bit and to have his nemesis identified as singing hurt, but to have his arch-enemy credited and for it to be absolutely accurate in naming lines that Pete DID actually sing is truly a gut-punch. Even Ted finds it amusing but he has a twisted bowel and needs entertainment.

It’s easy to relate our fears of the past 18 months to the government yet, in the movie which inspired the closer of ‘Cut’, the protagonist escapes the city and heads to the surface – witnessing his first sunset. In many ways, bands such as 9 O’clock Nasty are our very own sunset. We may be hurtling towards a climate crisis and continuous economic downturns, but we can enjoy the ride as we do, and ‘Cut’ is certainly a fun ride, despite its subject matter. As Brock suggests – “It’s not your place to be questioning the lesson”, but who would want to when the lesson is as exciting as this.

Thank you James, and sorry for lifting so much of your writing to quote on this page - we hope it doesn't stop anyone reading the original.  You made connections and are truly a music-geek of the highest category. We salute you. Here is our salute photo.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Sinusoidal Reviews Catch Nasty: Delight in a Pouch - we are bad motherphunkers


Please do read the review before reading any of our nonsense. Nishant got under the skin of our CD and it was a delight to answer his questions.

Then, go buy our CD, because if he hasn't convinced you, nothing will! It is a properly good album.

OK done both? Then settle in for a bit of a delight in a pouch, heroin before you hit the couch moment. 

Watch out for that appearing in a lyric sometime soon.

We're not going to lie, we're feeling good this week. We've filmed a great video for the next single, which was a hoot and done some photos, we're getting orders for the CD every day leading to daily walks to the post office and then we get good reviews like this. Ones that reference just about every cool band we'd ever hope to be compared to.

Honestly we could gush all over the review and pick out bits to quote. Instead let's just say we told the truth in the interview and it hopefully comes over as direct and smart. The comparisons are flattering (not always what we were stretching for but what we wanted to make isn't always what someone hears) and generous. We love the description Phunk. Phunksters. Phunkadelic. So if you ignored what we said at the start, please do give it a read. Or read it again. We will.

There is one tiny thing we need to say in response. We sometimes say shit that might sound like we're aiming it at someone or something when actually we're just evoking something that made us smile.

The review picks up on If They Won't Eat Beef thus:

If They Won’t Eat Beef is a Ramones/The Clash style angry track about something that seems to be bothering them. Vegans. Yuck. Alright, enough hate towards a group that don’t really have the energy to argue. I support this song a 100%, and is going to be my standard reply to a certain people on my chat list.

We adore the idea that someone could use our song as a riposte in an argument. Do it. Do it and win, but the song is in no way anti-vegan. Some of our best friends are lapsed vegans (no hate please, humour remember?). The song is about that moment when you go home and tell your mum you've become vegetarian/ vegan/ mormon. When Ted did this to yank his mother's chain in the old times, her freaked out reaction was "but if you won't eat beef, what will you eat?" That is where the song comes from. If you think that's cruel bear in mind that his mum had the last laugh, serving him a cold onion bhaji in place of turkey for Christmas dinner (and the carnivore Ted slathered with a froth of saliva for weeks as he maintained the pretence). Further evidence, see the video, it probably makes our position clear.

Nasty Pack, what does it cost and what do you get?


Well it is out and it is on sale. But what do you get for your £5 plus postage? Well.... here is everything you need to know.

Get yours now

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Out in November: Get Ready


October is all about Catch Nasty. We hope if you're reading this you'll be considering a Nasty Pack for your future

We're busy though. Prepare yourself to scatter glitter over the dance-floor and move to the relentless beat that knows no compromise. Sexy Back is coming. You may think you know the song... but you will never hear it the same way ever again. Think Dark. Desperately groovy but dark.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Musical Blender! The Roadie Music Review of Catch Nasty


Roadie Music wrote a delectable review of Catch Nasty (which is available now for £5 CD or £3 digital). 

Ted feels like doing a correspondence course in Portuguese as he bends and twists his rudimentary grasp of Spanish to make sense of these Brazilian paragraphs - here is the original, we love just seeing it in all it's original glory. We've said it before but "bunch of nutters from Leicester: Brazil: Fuck!"

Below is a genuine attempt to accurately translate the text....

The creative potential of this group based in Leiceter, England is simply unbelievable. We always have to come across a relevant new release, which leaves us absurdly short of time to digest the previous experience. They really are in a sensational phase! After the amazing and VERY recent EPs, “Dust” and “Cut”, 9 o’clock Nasty not satisfied, arrives with his first album in digital format, “Catch Nasty”!

We could take our feet of the "releasing new stuff" pedal but... we write it as fast as we release it! New product baby, new product. We're working hard on the next two right now.

The incredible symbiosis of sound, which is already characteristic, is present in this “musical blender” with an irrepressible repertoire. The versatility in which they move through the most disparate references, within their powerful garage-rock with powerful pop incisions, is impressive. “Gravy Train” brings irresistible rockabilly, plus the strong hard-rock prominence of “Monstruosa”, and as the title indicates, “Say No To Funk” has a stratospheric “killer” groove!

So.... "Musical Blender" and "Killer Groove" are going on the quotes wall.

We quote some examples, but the record is irrefutable in its production, impossible to “skip” tracks.

Ha ha well that would be because it is impossible to skip tracks unless you buy the CD, (£5 link above) because we released it as two honking big mp3 files. In hindsight that was a mistake but it was a deliberate attempt to force the whole "this is made to be listened to as a single piece" line to its ultimate conclusion.

It's a really flawless trip, the guys shoot in all directions and just hit everything! The recent EPs already gave evidence of all this synergistic talent through the devastating sound permeation of the most vivid, but really “Catch Nasty” breaks ALL expectations! It is worth mentioning the sensational cover, a montage on top of the classic image of “Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band”, by the Beatles, and it also shows a great differential in the presented context. The LP features updated versions of many of the songs from the band's EP series with a few extras, including the deconstruction of Bauhaus' classic “Terror Couple Kill Colonel”. Registration is available for digital download, CD or limited edition “Nasty Pack”, with a number of special extras, exclusively through Bandcamp. Available below, 9 o'clock Nasty in one of the year's releases:

Thank you Alessandro and everyone at Roadie. One day we hope to meet you and sip an ice cold beer and tell each other how great we all are. Seriously.... we could combine a holiday and a tour.... 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

The Edgar Allen Poets: Legendary Middle Finger for Catch Nasty


Reviews are coming in now for the LP "Catch Nasty" (available to download or buy as a CD) and one of the first is from the Edgar Allen Poets - who have been known to come up with some language to describe our stuff that made us both do a double take and leap to the ceiling.

Catch Nasty, and the experience begins is another corker. It's short so please give it a click and see what he says. 

"Continuous Madness"

I guess this is praise. We are trying to build momentum and throw stranger and stronger things out each month, so a growing madness is certainly in our wheelhouse!

"I felt like a guinea pig in their lab... "

Love the idea that someone listening would have a "what the fuck?"moment. That's a joy missing from so much music as it becomes more manufactured and honed. We need rough edges. For the record though:

  • We would never run an animal testing lab. There's no money in it anyway.
  • We certainly wouldn't use a guinea pig. We'd call a guinea pig Hamish and give it a polka dot bow and let is roam Koala studio freely. We also would never give a listener or a reviewer electric shocks. At least not yet. That may come in a later phase.
"if you are a sheep following the flock, this music is not for you."
Delicious. Any artist would hope to be in that position, leading astray, taking people from the periphery and onto a different path. Whether it was the Velvet Underground, the Sex Pistols or the Cramps or <insert name of other band we didn't mention here> some bands create moments that take people down a different path. It is a really kind comparison and one we will hope to live up to with future releases.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Weirdo Art Punks: MangoWave disassemble 9 o'clock Nasty to our core.

If we could make a time machine, which we can't because we're not Time Machine Scientists, we'd send this review back through space and time to the first week of lockdown with a note saying "look at this shit, you are going to be a real band, take this seriously!" Of course we wouldn't have, but shit... this is a good review.

EP Review: 9 o'clock nasty - Dust (2021) (mangorave.blogspot.com)

Please go read it in full and give them a page-view. Probably best to buy anything that's advertised there. We want Mango Wave to become the biggest media-empire the world has ever seen.

Hence, the Leicester-based band presents what punk is all about. By breaking all the rules, making up their own rules, and then breaking those again, 9 o'clock nasty provide us with a gatling gun fire of middle fingers and a lot of fun.

Well, if such a gun existed (we shall invent it as soon as we finish that fucking time machine) we would have plenty of targets to fire it at, even if we just consider our own country (and thanks to some of the nice things we've had from other ones we are increasingly thinking of ourselves as a Global Punk Band from Leicester!). 

Badda badda badda b-doink (that's the sound of our Middle Finger Gatling Gun). Where the middle fingers would actually come from who knows. No, we aren't going to think about that either.

Anyhoo, we do have rules, well we did. We had a rule saying no song over three minutes and Last Chance was the first to smash it. But it needed space. Needed room to uncoil. So we made the rule "no tight punk classics more than three minutes" and we've just written a song called "Do Me Too" (which we think is the first song to truly explore Polygamy in a frank and open way over a driving bassline) that's nearly four of those fucking minute things long. But it's tight-punk-rock, moreso than much of our oeuvre. So yeah, rules, fuck them.

...that somewhat reminds of 1980s style anarcho sounds such as Crass or Amebix.

Well our compare-us-to-people antenna are twitching.... that's not one we had thought, we were going for film-score, dark. But there is a rabble-rousing side. It is... neat though. We have some much more anarcho stuff coming up though....

....in a zappaesque way.

This gave us a comparo-gasm.

.... 9 o'clock nasty play Punk Rock for Art Rock fans. The band fro Leicester perfectly expresses what freedom of arts should be about.

This was a lovely review and MangoWave, if you ever come to the UK, there is a beer in our fridge for you. 

Saturday, 16 October 2021

Swish! The Sinusoidal Interview


"The swinging jives of The Racounteurs and Jack White’s influence is strong here, so is the Black Keys. As the songs overflow into swing but mainly stay in the lane of blues-inspired rock"

We already liked Sinusoidal, it's a strong music blog that tends to cover new bands making the kind of music we like. We like it even more after chatting online for an interview and reading their review. We always say it but please click the link and give them a look.

The interview was fun, we touched a bit on the history of the band, which for anyone that wonders exactly HowWhy? Well there are clues there. We also talked about whether there is a movement, a new wave of rock and if we feel part of it. A lot of people hope there is. We're going to do our thing as just a random more in the universe or as something bigger, but it is always nice to step back and talk nonsense.

We've done a couple of interviews now and are sort of getting the hang of stepping a little bit out of the Pepperverse and trying to talk like normal people. We hope you find it interesting.

Sickest and Dopest Playlist: THX1138


Another playlisting, this tome for the mighty THX1138

Friday, 15 October 2021

"Welcome to Our Eclectic Universe" - the YMX Interview

It's a big day for the band today - our LP is now for sale. We had this interview but we thought we'd save shouting about it until release day.

We always say, PLEASE go read the original on the site. It benefits everyone. It is a good length piece and we won't copy and paste much here because if you wanted to read it all you could just click!

Spending an hour talking to someone who is genuinely interested in you is the purest therapy. To talk about your passion with your friends is a wonderful thing. Just about everything in the article is true apart from the bits we brought over on the space transporter from our Eclectic Universe.

Here are some of our favourite snippets:

If you're tired of the too many processed vocals and too many predictable sounds you listen to every single day on the radio, then be ready for this eclectic and explosive rock band from Leicester called 9 O'CLOCK NASTY.

They have something to say and because of their alchemy and experience, the result could have been nothing but perfect. 

We love 60’s garage rock. Love the attitude, the power. We enjoy psychedelia. Those things are always somewhere in the mix for whatever we do.

“Gravy Train” took shape over weeks of refinement and warfare. Pete hated Ted’s idea for the bassline for the song, so he sabotaged his instrument. The resulting set of strange noises ended up in the final recording.

Gigs are an interesting problem. We love playing them, but we can reach more people with a few Reels on Instagram than a gig. 

...if any readers know of venues or festivals that are a bit different, that would welcome the kind of broken cabaret we might offer, we’d love to hear from them. 

In this band, we started with a crystal clear idea of what we wanted, and we built that. If we had been a gigging band we would probably have killed each other before the pandemic ended out of sheer adrenaline and frustration.

There is no room for compromise with a glitterball full of punk. 

Shop O'clock


We now have two kinds of merch. For clothing (hoodies, t-shirts and whatnot) the link below will take you to the tastful and high-class Spreadshirt shop. We would like to do something lower-cost but don't yet sell enough to make having a cupboard full of unsold stock worthwhile! 

We now also have another shop. From that shop you can get button badges (with free doll's shoes), Greetings Cards (which are beautifully designed, not crap) (without free doll's shoes) and the soon-to-legendary Nasty Pack which includes our debut LP and other nonsense. The free doll's shoes status of the Nasty Pack depends very much on who actually packs and posts it. Ted is the generous one. We do also offer just the doll's shoes for sale somewhere else, but you have to be a superfan to find those.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Number 1 on the 9 EPs You Should Listen To: Cut


Really nice to see Cut feature on this list of music for ppl seeking out good songs.  Further down the list we landed on Our Man In the Bronze Age Hexed Endeavours which is strangely moreish and more strangish, and also rather wonderful. We happen to know that Danzig over at Dark Strudel has gone nuts over this record.

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Gravy Train makes it on the Alternative State of Mind playlist


We do love a playlist - and this one has kept us in new music all day.

Sharp Poetic Verve! Roadie Music reviews Cut

So Pete has packed his suitcase and is waiting for his taxi to Heathrow. Seems like the tour of Brazil is on the cards. The idea of some odd band from Leicester getting coverage in Brazil and beyond (our biggest group of listeners on Soundcloud are from Mexico) is so strange. 

So we think the review is pretty amazing - we have translated it below (a combination of online translation and Ted applying his knowledge of Spanish to try and smooth the edges) but please do see the original!

The emphasis is entirely ours!

The English group from Leicester’s boundless creative potential surges  in this year 2021! After the newly released (and exceptional result) EP, "Dust", they attack with another beautiful handful of great songs, showing that "comfort zone" is a non-existent word for the band. The new EP titled "Cut"shows how rapid the guys are in their creation process. It's really awesome!

We aren't trying to be comfortable. The "oh god did we just do that?" moment is one of the biggest pleasures of what we do (just wait until you hear "Hot Disco Shit".... 

The fifth record of this nature in the group's history (yes, the album"Catch Nasty" is on the way!), brings its usual garage-rock with powerful pop incisiveness, but filled with influences from the most disparate. The symbiosis of rap + melodic-rock is an excellent example of this, and still accompanied by the traditional vibe that accompanies the band.

The choruses characteristically punk-rock, but with strong pop elements, form their strong trademark. As well as the psychobilly enveloping that clashes with a hard-rock of the very first, "Gravy Train". Now, the futuristic riff of the guitars of "Dead Planet" is one of the most powerful conceived in the rock scene in recent times, its sensory power is simply hypnotic! In addition to the three songs accompanied by videos available on youtube, it is worth mentioning the sharp poetic verve of the 9 o'clock Nasty, something that the band members describe as: “all the three songs play in serious politics and important issues, but deliver with the usual gentle humour of the band and the side-eyed view of the world. Innocent and aggressive.” The positive expectations growing  in favour of the band, is an inevitable result, because it seems that the musical maturity is such, that they will always deliver something even greater to us in the future! Another beautiful set of banging tracks. 

It is a great guitar riff. It really is. Thank you.

Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Merch Madness!


We now have two kinds of merch. For clothing (hoodies, t-shirts and whatnot) the link below will take you to the tastful and high-class Spreadshirt shop. We would like to do something lower-cost but don't yet sell enough to make having a cupboard full of unsold stock worthwhile! We now also have another shop. From that shop you can get button badges (with free doll's shoes), Greetings Cards (which are beautifully designed, not crap) (without free doll's shoes) and the soon-to-legendary Nasty Pack which includes our debut LP and other nonsense. The free doll's shoes status of the Nasty Pack depends very much on who actually packs and posts it. Ted is the generous one. We do also offer just the doll's shoes for sale somewhere else, but you have to be a superfan to find those.

Take Me Back to the Blues Brothers: Edgar Allen Poets review Cut

Edgar Allen Poets are a band and a website. Both are pretty good. They have an absolute talent for finding a couple of over the top but classy turns of phrase to review our songs. This time, (and please do go look at the review) they say some good stuff.

"[Cut] made me think of those years when people were freer and more sincere."

That is an incredibly kind thing to say and we hope it is true, and comes across in our music. We love a positive response from people who hear what we do (of course we do, raccoons need approval), but I don't think we've ever held back because someone might not like an idea, and we've certainly never put anything out to "conform." Partly because we're just not like that, and partly because we are free to do what we want, and nobody depends on our songs to put their food on the table. With Cut there was a slight feeling of "this is a bit different to what we've done until now" but we're so excited by it there is no way we could have not released it as it was. The new stuff for November is quite out there... and we'll give it up regardless of any fear over perceptions.

"their sound is like putting my fingers in the socket."

First can we say, never put your fingers in electrical sockets. We do aim to get energy into a performance, and being a recording-first band, spontaneity and  performance have to come higher than production values in our work. We want to make music that gets people twitching a bit.

Sunday, 10 October 2021

JPG Chief Reviews Cut "high gain guitars shredding"

Waiting for reviews for the songs is never easy. We hope that if someone is going to bother writing anything they will probably say something positive, but JPGChief at Less than 1000 Followers have been consistently supportive and clearly do more than copy and paste our (admittedly hilarious) press release.

This is a link to their review. The usual plea, please do give their site a visit, it is a vital part of the indie music ecosystem that bands have an audience and people to write about their work. 

Rock, Rap and Rockabilly is a challenging phrase to describe any music with, and in fairness none of the songs on Cut try to do all three at once. That would kind of be like dancing with your mum whilst wearing platform shoes and sipping three kinds of ice cold beverage at once.

That sounds quite cool actually.

We didn't mean YOUR mother, we meant our mother. It was a made up thing. We have different mothers. Glad we are getting all this cleared up.

Rockabilly is interesting because that is not our thing at all, although back in the day we may have got bruises at Meteors gig or two. Gravy Train, the OG version, already had a stripped down almost 50s beat. Adding a skiffle element to it worked, and the strong guitar riff does sort of make it sound like a post-rockabilly-art-garage-post-punk sort of thing.

Starting right away and with no hold backs, “Dead Planet” starts with an instantly memorable guitar riff. Sexy, mysterious and all around cool, this guitar riff gives me a 70’s James Bond vibes, only cooler. The chorus is catchy and easy to learn, you’ll be singing along in no time.

Dead Planet started with that riff. Pete already had the lyric, in the Big Black Book of Brock. Writing it was a joy because it sort of spun up and up each time we added more to the song. Cooler than James Bond is pretty cool. The rumours that Ted will be the next James Bond are pure conjecture. He's too tall for the suits. And he's not big on Martinis. Or murder. Or being a paid assassin for the Crown. Or the misogyny. Or the getting punched. Especially on the whole being punched thing. Now if an opening ever came up for super-villains....

Thank you MadZenMan, you are a good human.



Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

THX1138 is from "Cut," the October 2021 EP by 9 o'clock Nasty. Make no mistake. We do not come to pander, we come to do the dance, the dance with the jack-boot step in.

Listening Notes

Triangulation. That's the key. We left all the breadcrumbs and the pigeons and raccoons still haven't cleared all traces of the answer away. 

Don't watch the video and assume you know what we are saying. 

No, really, don't. 

There are clues in there. Make notes. There are words to the song. We've even written them down for you. There's the title. Right, OK, now piece them together. Once you're clued up, get with the programme. Be ready to move.

Sing Along

It’s not your place to be questioning the lesson, just kau tau and be sure you’re acquiescing
You will not know if we’re passive or aggressive, it’s not your place to be questioning the lesson
So shuffle your tail feather, get some stress in, it’s not your place to be questioning the lesson

Court in session, caught in possession, shotgun in the boot, yeah! You got our attention.

We won’t suffer no! Suffer no messin’! Step into the booth and start confessin’
You need a little jolt to be decompressin’
It’s not your place to be questioning the lesson.

We’re not fuckin’ here to relieve your fuckin’ tension
And we don’t care about your right to self-expression
Your chakra, your aura, your past life regression
We’re here to do the dance with the jack-boot-step in.

It’s not your place to be questioning the lesson. Just kau tau and be sure you’re acquiescing.
You will not know if we’re passive or aggressive
It’s not your place to be questioning the lesson.

THX-1338 YEAH!

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Gravy Train

Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

Gravy Train is from "Cut," the October 2021 EP by 9 o'clock Nasty. A throwaway shuffle, a scorching chorus and a side-eyed look at just how unfree the market economy always was.

Listening Notes

They grow up so fast don't they? One minute they're pooping on your cream Axminster, the next they're looking for a nicely appointed internship in a kindly enterprise that will nurture them until an opening in the ranks of the idiocracy becomes available. Twas ever thus. Capitalism and Inbreeding.  Inbreeding and Capitalism.

Sing Along

All aboard the gravy train
You’ve all got so much to gain
It’s so easy, how can you fail?
Hit the cash on the nail
It’s not just that we lust for wealth
We’re so tired of then being poor
Can you do it? Hold it in?
Twist the knife but still shout out for more.

Well we’re skin-tight, 
your face will fit
We may be cousins but that glass ceiling’s ripped
We’re all best mates at our hotel
We eat like porkers and drink and drive like hell
It’s not just that we lust for wealth
We’re so tired of then being poor
Can you do it? Hold it in?
Twist the knife but still shout out for more.

Friday, 8 October 2021

Dead Planet


Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

Dead Planet is from "Cut," the October 2021 EP by 9 o'clock Nasty. A commentary of self-destruction over a driving melody.

Listening Notes

It took a lot of thought. I mean ending all life on earth wasn't a snap decision. You kind of knew all the problems were there. You could see the dominos all lining up. People warned you. Friends who meant well took you aside and whispered, "you know if you don't make some simple changes to your behaviour you will be left with a scorched wasteland with no meaning or value whatsoever." You heard them, but still... and then there were all those dominos lined up. Waiting.

Sing Along

You know sometimes in life you’re gonna, reach over, grab the steering wheel and crash the car. 
I wouldn’t recommend it though. 
I wouldn’t recommend 
going that far.

And when the dust and scores 
are settled and the ruins 
are still smoking’
It’s hard to convince everybody, that you were only joking….

Nothing to eat, nothing to drink on a dead planet, dead planet
Nothing to do except sit down and think on a dead planet, dead planet

No forgiveness, no redemption, no apologies will do
All those things you did to Earth, you did to me too
Now everything’s broken and I’m afraid it can’t be mended
This story’s over before it’s begun, begun before it’s ended. 

Nothing to eat, nothing to drink on a dead planet, dead planet
Nothing to do except sit down and think on a dead planet, dead planet

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Video Preview, DEAD PLANET


It isn't out until next Friday, but Cut features three videos we are really proud of. Here's one of them for Dead Planet.

Danzig Krupp reviews Cut: We Aren't Shit


Sometimes it is the small things a critic says that make you feel "ah yes, they understand us." Danzig Krupp, the least commercially minded man we ever opened a tin with, reviewed our new EP Cut (out on Friday 8th) with "they would be less shit with every release." Could be praise, possibly. He can be quite hard to decode. We think it is supposed to be a positive thing.

Clearer is his later section.

Dead Planet is instantly memorable with a guitar hook and a darker lyric than I expected. The knowing, edge to the lyrics, the commentary of self-destruction is chilling. Gravy Train ls lighter and angrier, with a throwaway psychobilly snare and a screeching soundtrack. I remember this song of old and it has grown to be meaner and stronger than I thought possible. THX1138 begins as a hard rocker, turns into an interesting, groovy rap-rock-hop pop song and then unleashes a devastating-attack-chorus.

We had a preview of this and did steal the line "commentary of self-destruction" because that just nails it. The dispassionate words of someone dismantling their life. That's it. That was what we were writing. The man is a savant. 

We adore all three songs on Cut. So much so that we couldn't pick one to "lead with." Gravy Train is kind of a successor to Unspool My Heart, if you liked that you'll love Gravy Train. THX1138 is just out there in a different place from anything we've tried before. 

We do always say this, please do visit the blog and give them your views. We know Danzig doesn't check his page views and he doesn't sell advertising, but it does help if he can show heavy traffic in the future if he ever decides to try and make some income from the work he puts in.

Expect to see "Waschbärsalz" on a t shirt soon. You'll have to read the review to work out what the fuck he is on about.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

So What Is Actually In the NASTY PACK?


The Nasty Pack, a bumper limited edition super product from Nasty Industries is on sale from 15th October. We made this short information video to show what you get for your money.

Video Preview - Gravy Train


It isn't out until next Friday, but Cut features three videos we are really proud of. Here's one of them for Gravy Train.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Video Preview: THX-1138 (YEAH!!)


It isn't out until next Friday, but Cut features three videos we are really proud of. Here's one of them for THX1138.

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Roadie Music reviews DUST


Roadie Music are one of the sites with big readership that have written about the band, in fact our website stats really bounce up whenever they publish something. This article is both kind and perceptive. As always please do have a look on their site, but as it's in Portuguese we reproduce some translated bits here (apologies for Ted's awful translation skills).

Once again, 9 o’clock Nasty arrives with new unique productions. With genuine characteristics, differentiated voice productions, the band presents “Dust”. A single officially released on September 4, 2021, the collection features 3 tracks, totalling 8 minutes of music. Check out the result of the work:

The single is simply a set of songs that will add to the group's curriculum, songs that mix some types of genres, such as pop rock, some elements of blues and funky. The main feature that draws attention to the productions is the way they treat the voices, always putting one in each ear, playing with the perceptions connected with the other instruments. Without many effects, the 9 o’clock Nasty sound is pretty straightforward, with percussion lines often similar to songs in the pop punk genre.

We're aiming for simple and sometimes we miss and make it complex! As we've got the hang of this disaster of a studio and rediscover the joy of analogue tape and razor blades layering vocals is probably the part of the production process that is the most fun: the bones of the song are done, the parts that will go wrong already have, and you're adding the soul to the song. 

The band decided to bet on a differential for the single. The last track, “Last Chance”, presents a story that involves a supposed love tale, in which the ending can be a separation. Also, it's a song the artists unraveled with more patience, more dramatic features and calmer guitar lines.

The origin of the song was actually a cat looking at Ted one night with that "look I know we split up but I will give you one last chance to fuss me and feed me and take me back" face. Hence all the cats in the video. We think cats, if they could send texts, would probably text things that looked a lot like our lyrics. 

The group is increasingly gaining ground in the music scene, and their works can be found in several playlists distributed by streaming platforms. The songs on “Dust” already occupy some positions among the top 5 favorites by fans. If you enjoyed the band's work, I recommend that you follow them to always stay on top of the news. In fact, there are already new projects published. 

Sincere thanks to Roadie Music, it is a real buzz to be on the same site as so many other great acts, we hope to get to play in Brazil one day. 

Friday, 1 October 2021

If You Were on Our Mailing List....


Anyone on our mailing list should get the link and discount code to get the Limited Edition release of Catch Nasty with extra goodies for 10% off at  Bandcamp. 

It isn't too late to join....