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Saturday, 16 October 2021

Swish! The Sinusoidal Interview


"The swinging jives of The Racounteurs and Jack White’s influence is strong here, so is the Black Keys. As the songs overflow into swing but mainly stay in the lane of blues-inspired rock"

We already liked Sinusoidal, it's a strong music blog that tends to cover new bands making the kind of music we like. We like it even more after chatting online for an interview and reading their review. We always say it but please click the link and give them a look.

The interview was fun, we touched a bit on the history of the band, which for anyone that wonders exactly HowWhy? Well there are clues there. We also talked about whether there is a movement, a new wave of rock and if we feel part of it. A lot of people hope there is. We're going to do our thing as just a random more in the universe or as something bigger, but it is always nice to step back and talk nonsense.

We've done a couple of interviews now and are sort of getting the hang of stepping a little bit out of the Pepperverse and trying to talk like normal people. We hope you find it interesting.

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