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Saturday, 20 May 2023

Mood Is Low


“How's yer mood?”

Sometimes, not all the times, but sometimes, simple is best. If you're trying to deal with a global problem you probably shouldn't be looking at a nice simple solution. If your feelings are complex, some nuance in how you describe them will go a long way. But somethings are best done direct and in the smallest number of short words possible.

Not a song about getting ready to go out (as has been suggested a couple of times). It is what it says on the tin. It's a song about being asked how you feel when you're low.

Bonus points for recognising the cover-star.

Available at > YouTube | Amazon Music | Spotify | Apple Music

Mood Is Low is the May 2023 single by 9 o'clock Nasty 

(c) 2023 9 o'clock Nasty

Sydd Spudd vocals

Pete Brock All of the many instruments

Ted Pepper vocals

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