Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Fantabulous, that's Us!


Formula Indie, who get their show played on about 27 FM stations worldwide (not that we were counting) are giving Dead Planet a play on 6th December. We plan to head over to Verona and get a taxi and cruise the midnight streets with the radio at full volume waiting for that guitar riff to crank out. They gave us a nice write up too. Last time they played us we were very different from the other artists, but it was a great show - see the link in the article and give them a listen, or join us for that midnight taxi ride.

As they say "Discover the new fantabolous EP of ‘Nine O’Clock Nasty’ from Leicester, listen to ‘Dark Planet’, a guitar riff pop song that warns what happens when you take a step too fare the December 6th in Formula Indie."

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