Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Thursday 10 February 2022

Brash, brusque and to the point, hits you right between the eyes with its brutal rawness. The Other Side reviews Politic

Nicole Mendes continues to show herself to be the most dangerous woman in music with her review of Politic.

“Brash, brusque and to the point, this track hits you right between the eyes with its brutal rawness. Think Sex Pistols but with more urgency”

Yes! The ‘Sex Pistol Comparison Alarm’ is sounding at Nasty HQ, the air is being punched and backs are being slapped. We have never been called brusque before and it has made Pete Brock blush. Dead right we are more urgent than the Pistols, they lived in much kinder and easier times. Things have got very real this decade.

“Not ones to avoid controversial topics, 9 o’clock Nasty provide a “blueprint for revolution” in Politic and you will listen! The thing is, as profound as 9 o’clock Nasty is they remain charmingly light-hearted.” 

We don’t see the point of getting all serious. If you’ve got to get into them, well you might as well have a good time. Anyone knows revolutionaries have all the best tunes.

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