Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Saturday, 8 October 2022

The Difficult 2nd Album, By All Means Necessary


By All Means Necessary is our second LP. Like the first, Catch Nasty, it pulls together about 10 months worth of releases into a package which we hope showcases our work, and encourages people to listen to it as a larger thing than just a 2 minute single.

Not that we think there is anything wrong with a 2 minute single, as our output to date should confirm that. In fact a lot of the LP is all about us fighting to refine that short, snappy punk-pop single with a big chorus. We certainly haven't released our last song in that mould, but we're stretching ourselves with the new songs that will be released over the Winter.

You can listen to the LP on Spotify and Apple Music for free, or enjoy the videos on our YouTube Channel.

To support us please consider downloading it from Bandcamp and in doing so, contributing a few dollar-pounds to help us with our work. If you buy it you get two bonus songs and sleeve notes and stuff.

The track listing is:

Just Start (new to this release)

King Thing (first released on the Politic EP)

Do Me Too (first released on the Sex EP)

Playboy Driver (single)

As The Ship Goes Down (first released on the Party EP)

Food on the Floor (single)

Turn the Page

Get Into Them, Pt. 1 (first released on the Politic EP)

Get Into Them, Pt. 2 (first released on the Politic EP)

Indoor Boyfriend (first released on the Sex EP)

Preach Me Down (first released on the Party EP)

I’m Bent Demo (new to this release)

What Have You Done For Me Lately? (first released on the Sex EP)

Darker Star (single)

I’m Bent (single)

Be Alright (new to this release)

Team Player (single)

Bonus tracks for Bandcamp

9 Ball

What Time Is Nasty? My Lost Pony Remix

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