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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Jingle Strain: Party Reviewed by Indie O'Clock

Those apostrophe killing writers from Brazil are killing it again. Thank you Indie O'Clock for your lovely write up for Party.

With it being in Portuguese and all here is a translation.

9 o'clock Nasty has just released new EP "Party" with 3 tracks.

This year, they've been through here and the latest release was the cover of Justin Timberlake's old hit "Sexy Back" that you guys followed here.

The band has worked a lot this year, there were exactly 7 EP's released and "Party" is to celebrate the great year that 9 o'clock Nasty had.

We've had this from so many reviewers, we write a lot of songs and just choose to release them in monthly 3-song releases rather than LPs as it seems a better fit for social media. Anyway the actual EP releases are Dank, Dry. Growl, Dust, Cut and Party which is six plus a single and an LP. 

The EP "Party" starts with the song "Preach Me Down", a dark rock-song, with strong presence of guitar and bass. The drums are responsible for building the rhythm in the track. The vocals are interesting, as a live performance of this song would be full of energy and expressiveness. In the 2:00 minute, there's the guitar solo which is devastating and powerful. They started with everything!

This will probably be in the live set, it would be hard for a three-piece to do it justice without some high-tech additions but stripped down it may be better actually. 

"As The Ship Goes Down" is the second song. With a guitar solo and drums in the main arrangement of the song, it reminds us of ACDC. A very rock and roll song, vocals and backing vocals in harmony, an incredible energy to hear this 9 o'clock Nasty anthem. It's a short song, but full of life with vibrant rock music.

AC/DC reference! Boom. We have some more metal-leaning material for 2022, so let's see if any more short trouser wearing, hiring hitmen comparisons get made :)

What Time is Santa?" It is the third and final song on the EP. It's bustling, with a guitar background reminiscent of garage rock, a sound effect that sounds like cans rolling across the floor. It's a self-appreciative song by the band, where they ask "What Time is Santa?" and then it looks like a crowd responds "9 o'clock". It's a good mix of rock and hip hop, an exploration of how far the genres can offer musically speaking.

The sound is our attempt to do jingle bells, which turns out is harder than it looks. Pete had to go to the doctors the next day as he had fluttering shoulders from the jingle-strain. 

9 o'clock Nasty releases an EP as irreverent and brilliant as they always are.

We are looking forward to the next releases from the 9 o'clock Nasty guys!

Thank you Indie o'clock, you are kind, wise and almost on the "Most Dangerous In..." spectrum, which is high praise. 

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