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Thursday, 17 February 2022

Chords Like Contrails! IzzytheGent reviews Sex

We consider Izzythegent a member of the extended Nasty family, so we were actually quite nervous about what he would say.Turns out he was both kind and perceptive.

Sex is out now.

The review is a bijoux little piece, so there is no excuse not to just click the link, give him a follow and read it. But you probably won't because you're not in the mood. We know you so well don't we.

OK so here are some morsels.

Big chords in the chorus fly overhead and linger like contrails from imaginary rockets. The song's bass line cuts in with grinding chugging torque like an 1820's locomotive transferring its power to the iron tracks. 

We just backflipped when we read this.

The EP is a classic combination of fun, grit, and mayhem. Each of the EP's songs are driving and have their unique sound which I would describe as a blend of U2, The Flaming Lips with a dash of Weezer and Beck. 

We would try to never sound like U2 but hey, we're not perfect. the others, thank you. Mayhem is hard to do without hurting yourself, glad me managed!

With an album, I think song two is the most important. I believe it has to be your strongest song. "What Have You Done For Me Lately," the EP's second song absolutely delivers. This track has an infectious, attitude driven, head bobbing chorus that makes me want to play air guitar. 

We actually wrote and recorded it on air guitars. Fun fact.

9 O'clock Nasty send us off from our time together with the warm and witty "Indoor Boyfriend." It's the song you play on your walk of shame. When you break the rules and get away with it... 

Ironically, the Indoor Boyfriend himself would never feel shame when making that walk! 

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