Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Downloading Our MP3 Files Has Changed


We are artists. Not money grabbing bastards. From Day 1 we've had our full discography available for download free from the site. In part this recognises the reality that not everyone likes streaming sites like Spotify, and those sites pay virtually nothing. We've run into some problems with working that way as the volume of traffic to the downloads page has gone from a visit a week to a visit a day to hundreds. Whilst we don't want to charge for online access, we don't want to incur charges for doing it.

So from now on all our music is still available for free download if you are a member of our mailing list. We will include a link in every newsletter.

If you don't want to sign up - and who can blame you (it's pretty good actually!) we've made a list of the ways you can get our stuff which includes many free options and some you can pay for.

Nasty, out.

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