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Friday, 13 August 2021

Growl reviewed on Os Garotos de Liverpool


Os Garotos de Liverpool added us to a list of ten released to review this week, which is a pleasure (we are tingled at the number of visits to this site from Brazil over the last 10 days, we can perhaps dream of gigging in Rio).

Olá, fique desagradável.

Translation from Spanish we can have a good go at, sadly Portuguese required a trip to Google Translate (commitment from Ted, if we get to gig in Brazil he will learn the language!).

They bring an original and unique sound to the dark, garage rock, post-punk, synthesizer and lo-fi elements, passing through the influence of the Pixies in the opening track, featuring a groovy and prominent bass in 'Walkman Walk', in addition to going through aspects of trip-hop on the final track.

Thank you OS Garrotos. 

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