Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Saturday, 14 August 2021

The Other Side reviews Dust: "9 o’clock Nasty blends energy, kindness, naivety and insults into memorable music"

The Other Side (a music site we would strongly recommend, believe us we have looked at a lot this past three months) have written a beautiful review of our July release "Dry."

Please go read it all. We could cherry pick a few lines that really made us whoop (we whoop at lot at the Orbiting HQ but never in the Koala Studio, it makes Jethro wince), but Claudia spent time putting it together and it merits a proper read.

Instead we will just pull-quote one part because it relates to the song on the EP that has had less attention, Sick Child.

‘Sick Child’ opens with a sound bite that gets a wash of easy rock guitars. There is a slightly retro vibe to the guitars as they call out into the soundscape. The vocals continue this retro vibe as you slowly spiral into their thrall. The single really throws your mind back in time to the rock tones of the 60s. The energy in the vocals will make you want to sing along, particularly on the chorus. You may also feel the urge to turn the volume up to blare the track as you shout out.

The use of the word "tones" is interesting We don't set out to write songs with a 60s vibe (we probably couldn't if we tried) but we are using ancient analogue equipment and you do get a different tonality out of those big old multi-track machines that don't come out of digital. We are a little trapped out of time and celebrate that.

We're hoping so much that she'll review Growl sometime soon.

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