Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Monday, 30 August 2021

Have You TikTokked Today?


Do you use TikTok? Be honest now, do you? Or does it use you? We went there in search of another channel to reach listeners and we've been impressed at how well put together it is for content creators and how rapidly an audience can grow. We still get significantly more plays on Instagram and IGTV, but TT is catching up.

People tell us that it is a media for a different generation: True, if you decide not to engage with it.

They also say it is full of videos of dogs, lip syncing, semi-erotic dancing and awful jokes. That bit is mostly true, but if you scroll long enough you'll get a 9 o'clock Nasty tune, possibly one we haven't released yet!

We're still learning which songs and what kind of presentation works for TikTok, but as they say, "it's a journey."

If you do decide to give it a go, please do give us a follow, we are (of course) @9oclocknasty 

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