Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Catch Nasty: Debut LP on the horizon


So, it's happening. Our debut album Catch Nasty is at the pressing place getting duplicated and the various printed stuff to go with it are all being done too. It should be on sale in November, and although we are biased, we have to say that if you liked our EPs, the LP is going to be pretty special.

The individual songs will all be out there in the usual way. If you're like us though and you want the special album version.... read on.

We've done slightly different versions of some of the songs, and added a few inter-song links to make it work as a single 35 minute "whole." 16 songs, full-on. Designed to play loud in a single sitting. You will be able to get it either as a honking 35 minute downloadable file for a modest fee online or buy it as a CD, or for a strictly limited edition the "Nasty Pack" which will come with a genuine-fun assortment of nonsense.

There will be early access and some form of discount available to newsletter subscribers, we may do some freebies too. If you aren't already signed up to our newsletter (and frankly why not?) you can do so right now by clicking..... this link.

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