Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Meanwhile on the Indie Dock we ascend to "Aristocratic Punks"


OK we will cut to the chase here. This is a great review and we want you to read it. But the takeaway, they used the term aristocratic punks and we love it so bad that Ted is having tee-shirts made. Well one. He will be wearing it at the Studio Christmas Party (yes it is a thing, yes you can come but you have to bring cake, drop us a line for an invite).

Anyhoo, please read this. Click the fuck out of the link.

There. Feels good doesn't it. Aristocratic Punk. Ha!

Subverting glamour is totally what we're into so thank you to the reviewer for the words. The video, we were going for two things....

A severely deluded home invasion. (Yes that is tasteless and no we wouldn't do it)/

A post apocalypse, Mad Max style idiots invade the untouched home.

So their take on it as "three unknown people break into a night house and throw a party there" kind of hit the spot!

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