Welcome to the 9 o'clock nasty

Friday 21 January 2022

"Three madmen trapped by a global pandemic in a recording studio outside Leicester" SOUNDSGOOD put us under the microscope


Three madmen trapped by a global pandemic in a recording studio outside Leicester. Funny music that comes from the search for sounds and atmospheres that does not want to be intellectual but engaging and listenable.

We've never had any dealings with Soundsgood before, but they seem to have got right under our skin on the first listen - none of our normal press-pack, just the sleeve and the music. Please give it a read - as it's in Italian we've put a translation below

Three madmen trapped by a global pandemic in a recording studio outside Leicester. Funny music that comes from the search for sounds and atmospheres that does not want to be intellectual but engaging and listenable.

King Thing, is a song whose sounds refer to an Electronic Pop, well amalgamated by rough grafts that in some circumstances manage to cut the atmosphere, something decidedly original and overwhelming a proposal that can be listened to with extreme ease and naturalness. A dynamic trend where melody and energy blend thanks to a good glue made of deep sounds that embellish listening. The overall sound creates an excellent sound impact that gives additional body and fluidity to the listening.

Beck, first of all comes to mind with this track, but most of the riffs are flour from the mill of the 9 o'clock Nasty, which manage to amaze in a positive way for simplicity.

The 9 o'clock Nasty reveal good technical and compositional skills, and demonstrate how they know how to move with familiarity in their musical environment. "King Thing" lays the foundations on alternative metrics that are really right, managing to dose a mass of sounds that give concreteness and a mature sound just enough to be noticed and appreciated.

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